Silver Shield…2 words…I’m obsessed!

Nature’s Sunshine has medically certified colloidal silver that can used for almost anything, literally almost anything. It is mostly known for its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal properties. It has hundreds of uses but these are a few things I use it for: cleaning my house, face, kids hands and faces, I drink it, gargle it, spray it up noses, put drops in eyes (heals pink eye) and ears (heals ear infections)…just to name a few. It has saved me several trips to the doctor, yay! I could talk for days on the uses of Silver Shield, but would want to bore you to death, unless you’re like me and find it fascinating 😉

Now keep in mind, I’m talking about Nature’s Sunshine’s Silver Shield. I cannot speak of other brands of colloidal silver. I use NSP (Nature’s Sunshine Products) because I trust them and their quality is second to none. If you decide to purchase Silver Shield, at check out, please use my account number when it asks who your sponsor is – my acct # 8922.


  • Offers broad-spectrum immune support
  • Is composed of nano-size particles to ensure maximum bioavailability and potency
  • Provides 20 ppm of pure silver (100 mcg per serving)

How It Works:

Silver Shield with Aqua Sol Technology features pure silver particles suspended in pure water for powerful support. It is manufactured using a patented process with strict quality control to verify potency and purity. The result is fine, bioavailable, particle-sized colloids.

Here are the Top 10 Uses for Silver Shield…

  1. Anti-Bacterial Found on the skin, in the blood stream, in the intestines, or in the hair, bacteria cause countless diseases. When serious diseases are examined in the lab, they find that every serious chronic disease is associated with the presence of pleiomorphic bacteria or mold. These damage the immune function that normally protects the cell from foreign invaders. When the bacteria or mold invade a cell and reduce the immune protection, they allow toxins and contagions to enter the cell and damage the DNA, allowing serious disease to originate. Silver Shield starts killing bacteria in as little as fifteen seconds. If you put Silver Shield gel, liquid, or mist in direct contact with bacteria, the bacteria will usually be destroyed within six minutes. Some bacteria may take longer but can be destroyed with regular Silver Shield use.

For preventative use, drink one teaspoon of Silver Shield each morning and night. That dose can be doubled to fight an aggressive bacterial infection. It may be applied topically to any affected areas one to four times a day. Immune-supporting herbs may also be used.

2. Anti-Viral Viruses cause many diseases that we don’t have pharmaceutical drugs to cure. For this reason, humanity is at a high risk for virus activity. We have viruses that are being treated incorrectly with antibiotics. Antibiotics do nothing to destroy or cure viral infections. Silver Shield is very powerful and patented against both reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase viruses, interfering with the replication process.

By drinking two tablespoons of Silver Shield in the morning and night, you can potentially defeat an existing viral infection. Inhaling a nebulized form of Silver works best for a viral infection in the lungs or sinuses. Drops can also be placed in your ears, eyes, nose, or throat twice a day.

To prevent a cold or flu, drink one teaspoon twice a day. If you are exposed to a lot of coughing and sneezing, the dose can be doubled. Immune-stimulating herbs are also beneficial.

3. Blood Cleanser  Bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites, and other toxins can get inside our blood. Silver Shield is one of the best tools for blood cleansing. It will enter a single red blood cell and cleanse at the cell level.

For acute blood cleansing, take one ounce every hour for four hours. For some serious conditions, you will need to take one four-ounce dose every day for the first three days, followed by a maintenance dose of two tablespoons twice a day. To cleanse your blood each day, take one to two teaspoons, one to three times a day. Vitamin E in soft gel form may also help.

4. Colds  Colds are a virus. A cold gets in your nose and your sinuses and starts to duplicate there, producing a lot of mucus. Many will experience postnasal drip – mucus dripping down the back of the sinuses into the throat – when they go to bed. The mucus contains a virus or bacteria. When it reaches the back of the throat, it causes swelling and inflammation and can even spread into the ears.

Taking one tablespoon of Silver Shield three times a day, and spraying intranasally four or five times a day, will help reduce congestions and inflammation. Mouth rinse, eardrops, eye drops, nose drops, and throat spray can all be used as well.

5. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) Conjunctivitis results when bacteria build up on the surface of the eye. It can change the white of your eye, causing it to swell and turn pinkish red. If the inflammation is not reduced, the eyesight can be permanently damaged.

Silver Shield can help when you spray two or three drops of liquid Silver Shield directly into the eyes one to four times a day. Silver Shield gel can be placed directly into the eye where the gel will stay in place longer. Drink two teaspoons twice a day for one week or until the problem is remedied. This will usually remedy the problem within the first two to three days. Additional products that help are bilberry, eyebright, and lutein.

6. Diaper Rash When babies wear diapers their skin can be in contact with urine for long periods of time. This warm, moist area of the skin will allow bacteria and fungus to grow very quickly. The skin becomes red and can even crack or bleed. By applying Silver Shield gel to the diaper rash, you will be able to kill the cause of the diaper rash in the first two hours. The redness and pain can be remedied in as little as five minutes in mild cases.

To prevent diaper rash, you can spray a thin layer of Silver Shield on the inside of the diaper and then allow it to stand for about two minutes. The approach can also be used in children’s socks to prevent athlete’s foot.

7. Ear Infections Ear infections are a serious problem. In fact, Centers for Disease Control has requested that physicians no longer prescribe antibiotics for ear infections. The antibiotics make the problem worse by making the bacteria more resistant. We now have bacteria that we can’t kill with antibiotics. An ear infection can be a result of bacteria that gets in the inner ear and duplicates itself, destroying healthy tissue along the way. These bacteria can be destroyed by Silver Shield liquid after just five minutes of contact. Use a dropper to place five drops into the ear canal while the ear is pointed towards the roof. Keep the ear tilted up for 12 minutes. This will allow the Silver Shield liquid to get as far down behind the ear as possible. Repeat the process in each ear every 12 hours. You will also want to drink two teaspoons of liquid Silver Shield twice daily and take vitamin C.

8. Mold and Fungus Fungus and mold grow in warm, moist, and sugared areas such as the intestines or vagina. Taking sugar out of your diet and using Silver both topically and internally can treat these. Take two teaspoons of Silver three times a day and apply it topically one to four times a day, if needed. This dosage should be continued for at least two weeks longer than symptoms are present.

You can expect to see a benefit within the first 30 minutes. It will take at least 10 minutes for the liquid to kill a fungal infection on the skin. Silver will work best when taken with complementary products such as probiotics, caprylic acid, anti-yeast diets, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. Silver can also be sprayed on household items. In about 10 minutes it will kill the fungus, bacteria, or viruses on your table, food, clothes, phone, refrigerator, or toilet.

9. Pet Use You can use Silver Shield liquid or gel for your pet. If a pet weighs 20 pounds, it should receive one fourth of the human dosage. In most cases, pets take one fourth to one sixth of the normal human dose, but they can safely take up to quadruple doses when they have a problem.

10. Wound Healing Wounds come in many forms – burns, cuts, lacerations, bruises, broken bones. Silver Shield has been documented to help improve wound healing. In a study done at the University of Utah, pigs healed substantially faster and had less bacteria, viruses, and mold when treated with Silver Shield.

Silver Shield gel can be applied topically to any wound one to four times a day. By keeping the wound moist, it will improve quicker and with less scarring. Drinking two teaspoons of liquid Silver Shield twice a day will help improve wounds in the nose, ears, eyes, nose, throat, or any part of the body.

To order Silver Shield, click on this link:


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