Is it time for some COLLAGEN?

Did you frequent tanning beds when you were a teenager?.. like I used to! Are your kiddos graduating from high school or just going off to pre-school? To be honest, regardless of your age…IT’S TIME FOR SOME COLLAGEN! Get the best from Nature’s Sunshine – Grass fed, pasture raised, premium collagen peptides! So, what is collagen? And the heck are peptides?! Well, I’ll tell you… Collagen is the single most abundant protein in the body and the building block of cartilage. Now, I’m going to get a little science-y, so bare with me… Collagen is rich in amino acids (protein), like glycine and proline, that provide resistance to stretching and promotes elasticity and hydration, making your skin more youthful looking.

REMEMBER~ Beauty starts from the inside. Ps. Hydration is another key to great looking skin.

Peptides are the building blocks of protein. When amino acids (protein) link together, the chain they form is called a peptide. Collagen is the most important protein within your skin.

Premium collagen peptides are pure protein and when taken orally, it is absorbed as di- and tripeptides (2 or 3 amino acids). These peptides enter circulation and reach the skin and cartilage where they help support collagen producing cells.

Another perk to collagen – Recent studies have shown that collagen plays a vital role in promoting overall fut health. Excellent!

Nature’ Sunshine Collagen is grass-fed, pasture raised bovine. They are non-GMO, gluten free, dairy-free, keto-friendly and Paleo-friendly.

Sustainable sourced for unbeatable quality and purity.